Holiday Shopping Should be Joyous, Not an Occasion for Claims!

Whether you’re taking advantage of the pre-holiday sales or making a dash to shop for friends and family, it’s important to remember just how protected you are from theft. With parking lots bustling with activity, it’s hard to imagine that thieves will be at work; however, according to Statistics Canada a car is stolen in Canada every three and half minutes ! While your auto insurance coverage will cover theft of your vehicle, the belongings inside are unprotected.

Auto insurance policies only cover damage to the vehicle itself and not your possessions inside the car. As such, in the unfortunate event that your vehicle is stolen or broken into, a separate claim for personal belongings may have to be filed. Your home insurance policy may or may not include these purchases.

Here are a few simple steps to prevent theft that often slip our minds:

  • Hide any high-value items such as a GPS device in the glove compartment box
  • Instead of leaving your purchases in the backseat, place them in the trunk where they won’t tempt potential thieves
  • It may also be a good idea to review your auto and personal belonging policies understand the coverage, procedures and processes should you have to file a claim.

Remember, your holidays should be enjoyable and stress-free. Happy Shopping! Bookmark this site.