Entries for category "car"

Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty Responds To Drivers Congratulations. We got the government's attention with the "Partially At-Fault" accident ruling that sends many good drivers' insurance rates skyrocketing. Partially At-Fault Rate Increases It's not right that the "Partially At-Fault" ruling should hold as much weight as being...

Night Vision &amp; Driving Traffic death rates are 3 times greater at night than during the day. Driving at night is scary. 90% of a driver's reaction depends on vision, which is severely limited at night. Depth perception, colour recognition, and peripheral vision are all compromised. <span...

Assemble Your Own Car This assembly of car parts took 606 takes, $6 million to shoot, and 3 months to make. You can make your own assembly of car parts to create the exact vehicle you desire, in a lot less time, at the price you can afford. To see...

Cost of Drinking &amp; Driving Lose your licence, car, job, or life. Drunk drivers injure 190 Canadians, killing 4 daily, and impacting the lives of 70,000 annually, If you're convicted of being impaired, your insurance won't cover damage to your car and most injuries. This Romanov Report tells the...

Dare to Compare Whatever you're driving, regardless of whether you own or lease, regardless of when your insurance renews, these 2 steps will drastically improve your drive along the highway of life. So buckle up... here's how to drive the car you want, and pay next to nothing for your...

Doing It Right...Getting It WrongTo Swerve and ProtectIf you swerve to miss a car, kid, or animal, you're a hero. But what if you hit a tree instead?When you report the accident, your insurance company will consider it to be your fault, and your...

Stolen VehiclesHere's a video of a guy on crystal meth who stole a decoy car that police use to catch car thieves. It shows him shooting his gun out the window 14 times. Luckily, the gun was...

Drivers With Tunnel Vision Buyer Beware: When buying or selling a new or used car,click here. But First ... New, Lower Insurance Rates Just Released Massive rate reductions, effective June 1st, have consumers comparison shopping. Has your rate gone down? Even if it has, other company rates...

Here's your Top 10 List. Check out how your vehicle compares to the least expensive to insure by going to www.InsuranceHotline.com and entering in your make and model. Top 10 Least Expensive Cars To Insure for 2006 Insurance can be one of the more significant expenses associated with vehicle...

Fighting the Partially At-Fault Ruling To refresh your memory about our fight against the partially at-fault ruling, here's the Romanov Report that dealt with it, along with your emails: /newsletter/archive/romanov37 When there's an accident and one driver is found to be "at-fault", many times the other driver is designated...