Entries for category "car"

"Partially At-Fault" When there's an accident and one driver is found to be "At-Fault", many times the other driver is designated to be "Partially At-Fault". These "partially at-fault" designations hold as much weight as being "Completely At-Fault" and send many good drivers' insurance rates skyrocketing. Here's what we wrote about...

Screwy Accident Rulings When there's an accident and one driver is found to be "At-Fault", many times the other driver is designated to be "Partially At-Fault". These "partially at-fault" designations send many good drivers' insurance rates skyrocketing. Private Property and Parking Lots: Accidents happening on private property or in parking...

Question: What do GAP jeans and a GAP in your insurance history have in common? Answer: They're both expensive, and unnecessary. A Gap In Your Insurance Many drivers have been forced to pay higher insurance rates "unnecessarily" because of a so-called "GAP" in their...

Your Insurance Policy Here's what you're insurance policy covers that's Mandatory, Optional, and stuff you will want to ask your insurance rep about. Mandatory Liability Insurance The normal limit is $1 million, you can lower you insurance rate and select $500,000. Or there is...

Dear Premier McGuinty, On behalf of over 500 drivers who have written to me, I would like to bring an important matter about the Insurance Act to your attention. The Fault Determination Rules, within the Insurance Act, have not been changed since 1990. There has been considerable abuse...

An InsuranceHotline.com poll this week found that out of 11,805 respondents, 39% of drivers didn't't know that if they get into an accident or slide into a ditch because of black ice, freezing rain, or other surprise winter weather, their insurance company considers them to be "at-fault" and their rate will go up.

To Swerve or Not to Swerve I heard of a guy who hit a deer and instead of leaving it on the side of the road, put it in the back seat of his car to take home so he could enjoy some venison. Well, the deer wasn't dead, and...

All Licence Plates Are Personal Licence plate numbers carry a lot of significance to drivers. From favoured combinations to complete personalized plates, they are an extension of the owner. Policing Your Plate If you’ve ever wondered whether the police can do a random check on your licence plate number, the...

Attorney General's Proposal We sent the Attorney General over 400 of your emails, protesting "affidavit" testimony in court, in place of the police officer who ticketed you. Affidavit testimony takes away your right to cross examine your accuser. The end result is that the government's proposed legislation is NOT...

A Sign Traffic signs may not be the only signs to watch for when driving. You may wish to watch out for the astrological signs too. By compiling raw data, InsuranceHotline.com has discovered a link between a driver's astrological sign and their tendency to get tickets and accidents. We thought...