Ask the Driving Instructor

It's difficult to pin down exactly why it is most people enjoy driving. Whatever it is, it's safe to say that for the most part, everyone seems to have this forever burning passion to drive. Somewhere. Anywhere. And anytime. And it doesn't seem to matter too much about the cost of fuel, or other automobile-associated costs like insurance and maintenance. People by and large will always find an excuse as it were, to drive. I must admit right here right now, I am no different. From the time I was old enough to hold on to the steering wheel while I sat on my father's lap, thinking I was really driving the family car, up to and including today, driving has been more of a hobby that anything else. Without exaggeration I probably have driven millions of kilometers during my lifetime. That's really not too different than a lot of others I suppose, with maybe one exception. All those kilometers have been accident free. And there's a good reason. I always took driving and more importantly safe-driving, seriously. I learned from the beginning that safe driving was more fun and certainly a whole lot less expensive. I still believe today in that analogy.

Hello everyone. My name is Dwight and I'm a Certified Ontario Driving Instructor. I'm happy to be guest-writing on the blog. In my upcoming posts I'll address some "tips"

for both new and experienced drivers and also some "do's" and "don'ts" that all drivers should know. And InsuranceHotline will have an "Ask The Instructor" segment, where you can ask me questions pertaining to driving and/or traffic laws, situations or anything else you'd like answers to. Then I'll do my best to answer them for you in the upcoming blog posts.

So starting with my next blog post, I'll be going over some safe driving tips that everyone can use. Especially with ol' man winter on his way. I look forward to helping all the young drivers become passionate about driving and being safe, and maybe teaching the experienced drivers a few things as well. Until then, drive safe everyone.

If you have any driving-related questions, please send them to [email protected].