Have You Checked Your Driving Record Lately?

Insurance companies use your driving record, including details of any tickets or accidents you may have had, as a key factor in settling their rates. For that reason alone you want be sure that the information on it is accurate and up to date.

Why should I check my driving record?

Although the majority of driving records on file are correct, they can be subject to human error and mistakes are not uncommon if left unchecked. Something as simple as a parking ticket that blew off your windshield and went unpaid could later cause your license to be suspended due to an unpaid fine. Similarly, errors related to the assignment of fault in an accident are possible and could have a significant impact on your insurance rate.

Checking your driving record is also beneficial if you aren't sure of the actual driving record of all of the drivers within your household. When speaking with any insurance professional about a policy you will be asked to provide a host of information related to the driving profile of all licensed drivers who live in your household. Information you will be asked for will include dates and details of tickets and accidents. Having the actual records will help you answer the questions on the auto insurance application knowledgeably and confidently. Insurance companies have access to this information anyway and it is always best to be as up front as possible when providing this information to them.

How do I access my driving record?

To check your driving record, visit the Ministry of Transportation website in your province.

What do I do if I find an error on my driving record?

If you discover your driving record mistakenly indicates that your license has been suspended, contact the Ministry of Transportation immediately and they will provide you with the details and necessary steps to take in order to correct the error.

If you have an insurance claim on your record where fault has been incorrectly assigned or the claim is not yours, contact the insurance company which paid the claim and have them correct the error. Also be sure to ask them for a "Claims Experience Letter" and keep this for your records. This letter serves as proof to your insurance company that the claim is in fact an error and will ensure you get your premium rate corrected or prevent a future increase depending on when you have discovered the error.