Important Tips for Preventing a Home Fire

Having a fire in your home is probably one of the most devastating events that can take place. Although your home insurance may cover the cost of your items and rebuild your home, the precious memories and sentimental items can never be replaced. Make your home as safe as possible and protect your memories as well as the people and pets in your home. Home fires cause an incredible amount of damage in combination with the fire, smoke and water. The following are pro active fire prevention tips to help stop a fire before it starts.

Equipping your home with fire safety devices is a must. Most homes are installed with equipment that will provide warnings which can help stop a fire before it spreads. The first line of defense against house fires is smoke detectors. In order to be effective, they need to be installed in all major areas of the home. Always check the battery and functionality of these detectors on a regular basis. Have a reminder quarterly or semi-annually in place to change batteries. This simple device can very well save your life. A fire extinguisher should also be kept on the premises, usually in the kitchen or the garage, or any other place where a fire can start easily. Check them on a regular basis as well to be sure they are in good working order. It is also a good idea to know how to use the extinguisher prior as opposed to learning in the event of a fire.

Avoiding fire hazards is the most conscious action you take. One of the easiest things to do in order to prevent a fire is to not allow smoking inside of your home. Cigarettes are one of the leading causes of fires in homes. Even cigarettes that appear to be put out can actually smolder in an ashtray; which can lead to a fire. Do not keep anything flammable near a fireplace, and have your chimney cleared annually before the winter season. Be sure the hearth area of your fireplace meets the fire code, and consider fireproof materials for rugs and carpeting in the room the fireplace is in. Always use caution when burning candles or incense, and do not leave them unattended.

Teaching fire safety in a home that has children and seniors is vital. Take the time to explain and teach them how fires are started, and the potential outcome of this devastating event. Keep matches, lighters, and other sources of flames out of reach from children. Anything you can do to be fire safe will only benefit you, your loved ones, and your home in the long run and avoid submitting a home insurance claim.