Entries for category "car"

With the holiday season here, the Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere (R.I.D.E.) program will be taking to Canada's streets and highways once again. While R.I.D.E. is primarily aimed at keeping impaired drivers off the road, there are important points about the program that you'll want to keep in mind when getting behind the wheel this season. Learn how being prepared and cooperative can help you avoid getting a fine.

We're nearing the end of 2009, which makes now a good time to recap some of the changes that have occurred this year in the insurance industry and with driving laws. We list the highlights in this article.

The main purpose of insurance is to protect you in the event of an accident — whether or not you are responsible — in exchange for a premium charged by the insurance company. Your insurance company determines how much you'll pay for insurance by assessing the answers you disclose on your auto or home application.

The deductible is one of the most important options you will select on your car insurance policy. This is because it directly impacts how much your insurance premium will cost and the amount you agree to pay out-of-pocket in the event of a car accident or a claim.