Entries for category "car"

Q) I slid on ice into the car in front of me this winter, can I still be considered at fault? A) Yes, you can still be considered at fault. Regardless of the weather conditions one must still be in full control of their vehicle. Have a question you'd...

Did you know it’s possible for an experienced driver to pay more for insurance than a new driver? Yes, it’s true if you’re an experienced driver, but you have tickets and maybe an accident or two on your driving record you could potentially pay more for insurance than a...

The Favourite Dream Car Contest, which ran on Facebook from December 14, 2011 to January 13, 2012, has now ended and InsuranceHotline.com is pleased to announce the contest winner. Kim Coady of Toronto, Ontario is the winner of a $250 Canadian Tire gift card. Kim...

A G1 driver who is involved in an accident may face repercussions both legally as well as with car insurance rates. Because there are many restrictions placed on a G1 driver’s license, an accident in which any of the conditions of driving are not...

PRESS RELEASE: January 26, 2012 - Getting behind the wheel is always a big responsibility and for new drivers, inexperience makes it even more vital to be aware of this responsibility. To help new drivers improve their skills and be safer on the road, InsuranceHotline.com...

Q) I made a claim on my car insurance, will this affect my premium? A) Maybe. If you have an at-fault claim this may affect your premium providing you don’t have "accident forgiveness" coverage on your policy. Each insurance company has different rules and increases for at fault accidents. Check...